Packages to suit your needs
1-year subscription +
1-hour training session
Bronze + 12 hrs of training for facilitators over a year, to aid engagement, host discussions and answer questions
Silver + Coaching by trained HappierMe coaches
Gold + Wisdom Leadership Training

Feel calm, capable, and better everyday, with HappierMe!
How you think matters! The app helps you feel better now, and then helps you to understand your own mind so you can be in charge of how you respond to challenges.
Did you know?
of employers say staff lack soft skills
of employees are disengaged
of employees have a mental health problem
(US Surgeon General)
of leaders fail within 18 months
1 in 6
people have a substance abuse disorder
of UK employees experience interpersonal conflict at work
The HappierMe impact across organisations

I subscribed to The HappierMe app for all my staff because I have seen how transformative it is to understand my reactions to situations, and my personal emotions such as anxiety & depression. To be able to help others understand, with wisdom, why they feel as they do, is my life-long gift to them.
Julie Goodfellow, UK
Headteacher. UK.

This app is exactly what each and every person in the world needs every day. It will give each person the tools to leads a purposeful and fulfilling life.
Tinamarie Rodriguez,
Wisdom coach. USA.

Having trouble figuring it all out? The HappierMe app is an awesome resource for everyday living. You'll find easy, soothing support here - modern tools for exploring your own inner wisdom, for every dilemma.
Jondi Whitis, Atlanta,
EFT trainer and Coach, USA.

The HappierMe app is a pre-eminent asset for people of all ages. It changes peoples lives by assisting them to better know themselves and live with peace, love, harmony, and fulfilment. It is a wonderful gift to humanity.
Garry Prigg,
CEO, Australia.

By knowing more about how my mind works, I have learned to make better choices in how I think, behave and act. The HappierMe app is a space where I feel supported to grow into the person I want to be. It has helped me in many ways.
Suzanne Oades,
Psychotherapist, UK

The HappierMe app supports an individual's exploration in seeking positive outcomes through a journey of self- discovery, by applying our intelligence with common sense and insight. I believe this is truly a gift for every single human being to embrace.
Gopalan Nair,
Life coach, Singapore

I recommend The HappierMe app to my clients as a stand-out app among similar programmes. The design and content meets users where they are and reminds them that wisdom comes from inquiry and a deeper understanding of self. The Human Wisdom app is an accessible "hand-hold" for anyone navigating the rough edges of life as well as provocative and inspiring for personal growth.
Lynne Staley,
life and loss coach, USA